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Nigeria Journal of Management Sciences (NJMS), Benue State University

Example of Bootstrap 3 Dropdowns within Buttons

Examining the Factors Contributing to Customer Satisfaction on Electronic Banking Services in Nigerian Commercial Banks

Aliyu Alhaji Abubakar
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science Gombe State University

Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Awwal and Lawal Babatunde
Department of Business Administration, College of Business and Management Studies Kaduna Polytechnic.


Electronic Banking Services (E-banking) has become an area of attention among researchers and banks mangers due to its strong impact on business performance, lower costs, profitability, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction. This is a research in progress paper discussing the determinants influencing E-banking services towards effective Customer Satisfaction in Nigerian Commercial Bank, with the intention to highlight the issues from the customer points of view. Based on the literature, several factors (Convenience, Reliability and Availability) were postulated that have a positive and direct impact on E-banking services on customer satisfaction. Thus, it includes several hypotheses derived from literature to be tested empirically. The research will be guide by the conceptual model presented in figure 1, which will be tested using Structural Equation Modelling. The conceptual model in figure 1 highlighted the relationship between the identified variables in Nigerian commercial banks. Hence, the expected outcome and gaps of the research could also provide a new direction for future research.

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, E-banking services, Commercial Banks and Nigerian

To get access to the full text of this article: Faculty of Management Sciences, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria.

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