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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Journal of Gender, Politics & Development Studies 2024 Maiden Edition ISSN: 1597 - 8192

Protecting Women's Rights In School System, Digital Space, And Ict- Facilitated Gender-based Violence.

Ochugudu A. Ipuele, Maria Okwoli, Ndonima Uhwe Danjuma & Marline Oluchi Okoh


This paper, 'Protecting the Rights of Women in School System, Digital Space, and ICT- facilitated Gender-based Violence,' examined women's rights, violence against women in the school system, in the digital space, and how women's rights can be protected in these contexts. Despite these laws and policies aimed at safeguarding women's rights and addressing violence against them, viable instances of infringing their fundamental rights still exist in our society. Instances of gender-based violence against women are common in the school system. Online and ICT-facilitated VAW also exacerbates existing forms of violence with dire consequences on women's physical, mental, and reproductive health. School-based violence against women could be addressed through the incorporation into national policies and action plans that recognize the need for prevention, responses to mitigate its impact, and accountability. The chapter recommends that since some frameworks that protect women's rights were drafted before the advent of ICT, they should be reconfigured and operationalized to safeguard the digital space and women’s rights.

Key words: Women's Rights, School System, Digital Space, Ict- Facilitated, Gender-based Violence.


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