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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Conference attendance Sponsorship form

Guidelines and Procedures for Application for Conference Sponsorships

General Information

The University deems it important for providing support to staff to attend conference in order to nurture their academic and/or professional growth. Conference attendance is an important part of their educational experience and professional development.

The Sponsorships are provided to support the major cost for staff to participate in international and local.

 Eligibility and Priority
All staff, either on tenure or contract appointment, who are not on leave of absence or sabbatical leave are eligible to apply. 
Notwithstanding the above, for participating in international conferences, staff are encouraged to utilize available TETFUND option. The University can only sponsorship one conference for staff in a year either through TETFUND or University based support.

Sponsorships will be granted subject to availability of fund. 

The Application for conference sponsorship should be downloaded and printed from the BSU portal and completed by staff.
Completed application should reach the Office of the Vice Chancellor two months to the date of the conference. Completed application form must have the support of the Head of Department and Dean of Faculty.
Late applications will not be considered.

Award of the sponsorship is subject to the applicant’s submission evidence of publication of paper presented by the staff at previous sponsored conference (either TETFUND or University-based sponsorship)

Staff should fill an application form (shown in Appendix 1) and send the completed application form together with the following supporting documents through his/her Head of Department and Dean to the Vice Chancellor.
a)  a copy of the conference pamphlet or the call for papers;
b)  proof of registration fee, if any;
c)  a copy of invitation/letter of acceptance, if any; and
d)  an abstract/the paper submitted or to be submitted

Priority will be given to applicants who will present a paper or poster at a conference. The paper/poster to be presented should be related to his/her area of specialization.

An application for attendance only will be considered from professors when it has got strong recommendation of the Head of Department and Dean concerned.

The sponsorship approved only applies to the specific conference and cannot be used for other purposes.

The applications will be considered and approved, where appropriate, by Vice Chancellor.

Selection of proposals will be based on the following criteria:

  1. i. the stature of the conference;
  2. ii. the recommendation of the Head of Department and Dean concerned;
  3. iii. whether the applicant will present paper orally or by poster;
  4. iv. relevance of the activity to the applicant’s area of specialization and professional development; and
  5. v. the scholarly publication of paper presented at previous conference sponsorship gained, if any.

Award of the conference sponsorship is subject to paper presentation and submission of a copy of the paper presented after the conference as well as submission of a brief conference report.
The University reserves the right to suspend payment of funds if, in the eyes of the university, the paper to be presented at the conference is written unsatisfactory.

All staff of the University wishing to apply for sponsorship to attend any conference are expected to, download, complete and submit the conference attendance sponsorship form below.


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