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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Consultancy Unit

Benue State University (BSU) Consultancy was established by the Governing Council of the University at the inception of the University. It is an incorporated body of the University under the Companies and Allied Matters Act of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is thus Benue State University’s registered business outfit whose concern is profit-making so as to assist the University in the running of her activities, especially in this era of the much touted “University Autonomy”. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aims and objectives of BSU Consultancy Services are as follows:

• To provide technical, professional and other experts service to all tiers of government (Local, State and Federal Government), Parastatals, the Private Sector and to International Organizations such services could take the form of feasibility reports, a wide range of specialized professional services such as socio-economic surveys, running of staff development programme, refresher courses, workshops etc.

• To manufacture and supply essential goods and services to the general public. Areas where the immediate public is not adequately satisfied would be given priority.

• To provide University staff, who are able and willing to provide consultancy services as legitimate, avenue for making additional income in conformity with Federal Government’s Laws on Private Practice.

• To enhance, and make more applicable the programmes of the University through the involvement of academic staffing the planning and execution of consultancy jobs. By providing consultancy services, academic staff would be encouraged to undertake research projects of immediate relevance to the country, thus leading to a mutually beneficial relationship between teaching, research and practice.

• To contribute significantly to the financial resources of the University and make suggestions for the optimal investment of part of funds generated; and

• To undertake any other functions that may be prescribed from time to time by the University Council.

Pursuant to the above objectives, BSU Consultancy would as an outfit of the ivory tower, offer a variety of services to the public which are of needs to the society. Some of these services include the following:

• Management Consultancy: Here services are rendered to desiring organizations in general administration and management, tax administration, conduct of special studies (research) and advisory service.

• Workshop, Seminars and Conference: BSU Consultancy mounts specially designed programmes like seminars, conferences and workshops. Special training programmes are also carried out as may be desired by clients; and

BSU Press/Bookshop: BSU Consultancy is in the process of putting in place a printing press to be equipped with ultra-modern facilities aimed at giving maximum satisfaction for jobs undertaken. This is to encourage the publishing of books so as to enhance the culture of reading and ensure academic excellence. In addition to the press there is the Bookshop, which is already operational. This Bookshop is stocked with variety of books at affordable rates. The successes recorded by the Bookshop have made it a toast of publishing houses.


At the inception of the BSU Consultancy Services Unit, Prof. E. Agishi was appointed as its first Executive Director. Within this period, the Veterinary Complex of the Benue State Ministry of Agriculture was handed over to BSU Consultancy to serve as the University Farm. The Unit in an effort to promote literacy in the society also established the Centre for Continuing Education. This center (though independent of BSU Consultancy today) organized sub-degree programmes in different courses, leading to the award of Diploma Certificates.

In 2001, Rev. Fr. Dr. Moses M. Orghungur was appointed as the new Director of BSU Consultancy, to replace Professor Agishi. The new Director organized a public awareness workshop to acquaint the Public of its services. He has also ensured the take off of the University Bookshop with Mr. Isaac Nyinoh as the first General Manager. The BSU Consultancy Services Unit is supervised by a Board of Directors. This Board is responsible for major policy decisions of the Unit. It is headed by the Vice Chancellor with the principal officers of the BSU as members and a representative member of council.


The resource personnel of the Unit comprise some staff of the University and other professionals outside the University community. The BSU resource pool comprises academics whose job is not only teaching and researching but also consulting on a part time basis. Experience has shown that outstanding benefits can be drawn from combining research, teaching and consulting. This is noticeable in the following areas:

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