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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Department of Languages & Linguistics

Brief History

The Department of Languages and Linguistics is one of the foundation Departments of the Faculty of Arts which came into existence at the inception of the University in 1992/93 session. Though merged with English in 1995, it was “demerged” in 2001 by the Prof. David I. Ker administration.

Starting with a total of nine (9) students in 1992/93, the Department, in the 2005/2006 session had an intake population of over 1,000 students. The department currently offers degrees in French and Linguistics. A proposed degree in French/Linguistics is now awaiting take-off after due process. There is also the hope that TIV and Idoma, now offered as electives, will develop into degree awarding programme.
Postgraduate degrees (M.A) are being offered in French and Linguistics. A doctoral degree programme in French came on stream in the 2005/2006 session.



Title of Degree: B.A. (HONS) FRENCH
Programme Philosophy and Objectives

The four year B.A. Degree Programme in French is committed to the broad philosophy and objectives of Benue State University, designed to equip individuals with the skills and necessary tools to develop and realize their potentials, so that they may lead self-fulfilling lives, and contribute meaningfully to the development of the nation.

By insisting on a high level of academic performance, the programme aims at facilitating the flow of manpower thus created to the public ad civil service, and to the private sector.

The objectives of the Department are:

* To instill into the students the various aspects of French and other language related tasks, for the purpose of effective communication in the foreign language
* To acquaint the students with elements of the culture and civilization of the French speaking world with emphasis on our French speaking neighbours.
* To produce competent manpower for the teaching and promotion of French language in the country generally and to make such manpower available for regional and international organizations.


1. A candidate wishing to register for the B.A. (French) programme should posses at least five credits, two of which must be in French and English Language, and any other three credits at the SSCE level or the equivalent.
2. The following categories of students, on fulfilling condition N0 4:I above and the conditions stated in 4ii A-C below, are accepted for the three year degree course in French.
1. Candidate who posses at least two A’Level passes, one of which must be in English/French language
2. Two credit passes at NCE in French
3. Candidates with equivalent qualifications from Francophone institutions who posses at least an “O” credit in English Language
4. Exceptionally, candidates with good passes in the Proficiency Diploma in French in French (PDF) offered by the Department.

To qualify to be awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in French of Benue State University, a candidate must have:

* been dully admitted for the degree programme
* been matriculated into the University
* passed all the General Studies Courses
* paid all prescribed fees, charges, levies etc
* passed all the core courses for the French Programme
* earned the minimum number of the credits units for the award of a Bachelor of Arts Degree (i.e 108 for the 3 years programme and 144 for the 4 year programme).


Title of Degree: B.A. (HONS) LINGUISTICS
Programme Philosophy and Objectives

The four year B.A. Degree Programme in Linguistics is committed to the broad philosophy and objectives of Benue State University, designed to equip individuals with the skills and necessary tools to develop and realize their potentials, so that they may leas self-fulfilling lives, and con tribute meaningfully to the development of the nation.
By insisting on a high level of academic performance, the programme aims at facilitating the flow of manpower thus created to the public and civil service, and to the private sector.

Aims and Objectives

The course is concerned with the structure of language, the extension and application of theoretical models to particular African/Nigerian languages (Tiv, idoma, etc). Thus, this broad analytical framework is:

* To expose students to various aspects of their chosen languages and language-related tasks peculiar to their linguistic environment.
* To acquaint students with various aspects of their chosen languages, literatures and cultures with a view to helping them achieve greater competence and sophistication in their understanding and appreciation of the values inherent in those aspects;
* To train students to be able to apply their knowledge for the advancement of their society; and
* To prepare students for further studies in the discipline and/or for relevant careers in teaching, administration, the media etc


1. A candidate wishing to register for the B.A. (Linguistics) programme should posses at least five credits, two of which must be in English Language and Literature in English, and any other three credits at the SSCE level or the equivalent.
2. The following categories of students, on fulfilling conditions N0 4:i above and the conditions stated in 4:ii A-C below are accepted for the three year degree course in Linguistics.
3. Candidates who posses at least two A’level passes, one of which must be in English/French Language
4. Two credit passes at NCE in English/French/African Language
5. Candidates with equivalent qualifications from Francophone institutions who posses at least an ‘O’ credit in English Language and Literature in English or in French.
6. Candidates with Diploma qualifications shall not be admitted into this degree programme.

To qualify to be awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics of Benue State University, a candidate must have:

* been dully admitted for the degree programme
* been matriculated into the University
* passed all the General Studies Courses
* paid all prescribed fees, charges, levies etc
* passed all the core courses for the Linguistics Programme
* earned the minimum number of credits units for the award of a Bachelor of Arts Degree (i.e 108 for the 3 years programme and 144 for the 4 year programme).

The main purpose of the Proficiency Diploma in French (PDF) programme is to produce candidates who are capable of communication in French at various levels, in order to equip them to function effectively, especially in the West African sub-region.

On completion of the programme, candidates will have been equipped with:

1. The various aspects of French language and other language related tasks for the purpose of effective communication in the language
2. Elements of culture and civilization of the French-speaking world with emphasis on our French-speaking neighbours.
3. To enable people acquire a working knowledge of French.

Admission to the programme shall be open to:

1. Candidates who posses a minimum of four credits in the WASC, GCE, NECO, SSCE examinations. These credits must include English.
2. Teachers grade (II) certificates with at least 4 credits/merits.
3. Candidates with lesser qualifications but with least five years working experience in the public or recognized private sector shall be considered.

The programme shall last for two academic sessions or for four semesters. However, one additional academic session or semesters shall be allowed for candidates with academic problems.

Tiv Journal of Orthography


Staff List

S/No. Full Name Rank Status Qualification Specialization
1 Professor Tenure    
3 Professor Tenure    
4 Professor Tenure    
5 Associate Professor Tenure    
6 Senior Lecturer Tenure    
7 Lecturer I Tenure    
8 Senior Lecturer Tenure    
9 Lecturer I Tenure    
10 Lecturer I Tenure    
11 Lecturer I Tenure    
13 Lecturer I Tenure    
14 Tenure    
15 Lecturer II Tenure    
16 Assistant Lecturer Tenure    
18 Lectuere II Contract    
19 Senior Lecturer Contract    
20 Senior Lecturer Contract    
21 Lecturer I Part-Time    
22 Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant    
23 Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant    
26 40    
27 40    
28 40    
29 40    
30 40    
31 40    

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