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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Centre for Gender Studies

About the Center


The Centre for Gender Studies is a research and activity based outfit of the Benue State University, established via a statute in 2001 with the intervention of Food Foundation in collaboration with Social Science Academy. The need to create awareness on gender issues in order to sensitize the society and advocate for equality and equity was the driving force behind the establishment of the Centre. It is also meant to serve as a medium of comprehensive research in gender issues. This means that the Centre serves as a vanguard to initiate research by scholars and development workers on mainstreaming gender in policy, planning and implementation that have direct and indirect impact on development in Benue State and Nigeria in general. Since establishment, both the board of management and the University Senate has given approval to the activities of the Centre which includes research and organization of trainings/workshops among others. These activities revolve around the mission and philosophy of the Centre.

A world free of gender biases where men and women are gender sensitive and embrace equality and equity.

To improve the lives of men and women through gender based research, training and support for gender sensitive programming in development practice.

Key Objectives:

  1. 1. To promote academic and professional courses in Gender Studies leading to the award of certificates in the area of Gender Studies.

  2. 2. To provide such community oriented services as workshop, seminars, conferences or lectures in order to sensitize the University and the host community to Gender Studies.

  3. 3. To provide the needed knowledge that will enable scholars and students to develop a capacity to show appreciation for issues relating to gender.

  4. 4. To sensitize the University to and/or initiate the restructuring of curricular to take care of Gender Studies.

  5. 5. To attract funding from donors to conduct research on gender issues.

  6. 6. To publish reports, lectures and scholarly papers in gender and gender related topics.

  7. 7. To maintain resources for and models for excellence in gender-related teaching and research.

  8. 8. To gather and disseminate information which further deepen the understanding of women and men, from knowledge developed through the Centre’s research and other research findings.

  9. 9. To encourage and support mainstreaming of gender issues in Benue State University.

Governing Structure
The Centre is overseen by two boards: there is a Board of Management comprising the Vice-Chancellor as chairman, the Director of the Centre, all Deans of Faculties, two members representing Senate. Other members include the Director of Academic Planning, the Registrar, the Librarian and the Commissioner for Women Affairs. There is also the Professional and Academic Board consisting of all academic staff teaching with the Centre, representatives of Post Graduate School and Faculties. The P and A board is chaired by the Director of the Centre.

What We Do
Established as an outlet and space for the University community to access policies, resources and information on gender related issues. Through research, training, sensitization and advocacy, the Centre has helped in shaping community outlook and influenced policies that ensure respect for dignity and human race. In addition, the Centre provide a well-equipped Resource Centre offering on-line resources, books and journals to support staff and students in gender related research and teaching.  An inter-disciplinary, curricular adopted by a masters in Gender Studies programme of the Centre helps mainstreaming gender throughout the University system. The Centre moves beyond the University to carry out activities with government agencies, international and non-governmental organizations, primary, post-primary and tertiary institutions of learning with the aim of making the University a pillar in promoting a just and equitable society.

Some Activities of the Centre

The Centre participation in 2003 Budget Appraisal Forum organized by BENGONET.

The Centre carried out a research in two sub-wards of Makurdi LGA on the prevalence of Domestic Violence carried out by the Centre for Access to Justice Programme Nigeria in 2004.

The Centre has published a book on Domestic Violence titled “Perspectives on Domestic Violence in Nigeria”.

A workshop mounted in April 2004 on HIV/AIDS and Gender issues in Higher Institutions in Nigeria.

Participation in SEEDS document appraisal forum sponsored by Access to Justice Progamme Nigeria.

Participation in Review of 2004 Budget organized by BENGONET.

Participation in workshop on Domestic Violence organized by Development Support Initiative held in Makurdi in August 2004.

The Centre led in the Advocacy Committee on the passage of the Domestic Violence Bill sent to the Benue State House of Assembly.

Participation in Benue State Traditional Rulers Summit on Traditional Justice System held in Makurdi in September, 2004.

The Centre commenced its Post graduate course in Gender studies following the admission of its first set of nine students into its M.Sc Gender Studies programme 2004.

The Centre organized three workshops on Domestic Violence; the first was for experts who redrafted the Domestic Violence Bill to the Benue State House of Assembly. The second was for stakeholders to review progress on the passage of the Bill. The third was for service providers to acquaint them of their roles in the event of the passage of the Bill. All these workshops took place between August and September 2005

Participation in Training and Policy formulation on Alternative Dispute Resolution organized by Access to Justice Programme Nigeria held in Makurdi.

The Centre took active part by presenting a position paper at the public hearing on the domestic Violence Bill in February 2006.

The Centre in conjunction with the Centre for Family Development successfully organized a National Conference on Domestic Conflicts/Violence and its implication on National Development in February 2006.

The Centre also in conjunction with Green Earth International a Non-Governmental Organization, successfully organized an international Conference on Women and the Environment in April 2006.

The Centre was engaged by WaterAid to assess its projects using Mainstreaming approaches 2006.

Talk-show organized by the Centre in collaboration with Initiative for Improved Health and Wealth Creation Benue State University Student Union. Featuring discussions on relationships, music, dance and drama 14th February 2009.

International Women’s day: celebration featuring awareness creation on Breast Cancer and prostate cancer, in 10 selected churches in Makurdi 8th March 2009.

Workshop on “Gender Appreciation” with student leaders and NGOs 31st March 2009.

Inauguration of Benue State University – Gender Forum by the Vice Chancellor. In attendance were representatives of the National Centre for Women Affairs and the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development 7th May 2009.

Father’s Day celebration featuring the presentation of awards to deserving parents around the University community and a Radio talk show on the importance and role of a father in the family 21st June 2009.

Workshop on Gender Based Violence for Benue State University – Gender Forum members 23rd November 2009.


Talk-show on Gender Based Violence organized for the University community to mark 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence featuring discussions, and drama 4th December 2009.

The Centre in collaboration with the Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development conducted a training of Gender Desk Officers in line Ministries, in Benue State 2009.

The Centre conducted an impact assessment of the Fulani invasion of communities in Gwer-West Local Government and created awareness on the negative impact of conflicts especially as it affects women and children and sensitized victims on the importance of involving women in the peace process 2011

Celebration of International Women’s Day and the presentation of awards to distinguished women in Benue State.

Celebration to mark 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence with the theme “Taking Peace To The Home; Creating A Culture That Says No To Gender Based Violence”


The Centre organized and successfully carried out a Rally featuring youth, women organizations and faith based organizations to create awareness and sensitization on gender based violence and its effects (28th November 2011).

The Centre Organized a debate, essay/Cartoon competition with the theme “My Perception of Domestic Violence” For Secondary and primary schools in Benue State (November, 2011).


The Centre in conjunction with the Bureau for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs successfully organized a workshop for traditional rulers in Benue State to build their capacity to create awareness on gender based violence and to influence the change of harmful traditional practices and laws (November 2011

The Centre in conjunction with the Bureau for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs successfully organized a workshop for the principal officers in the Bureau and their spouses, Chairmen of Local Governments in Benue State and their spouses, DGSA’s and their spouses to build their capacity to initiate gender sensitive policies at the local level where gender based violence is most prevalent,(November 2011

The Centre addressed “Ijir Tamen” the Tiv Traditional Council on Gender Based Violence and the status of women in Tivland on 28 April, 2012 in Gboko. Issues affecting Tiv youths were also discussed. The aim of the advocacy was to elicit the support of the traditional institution in combating Gender Based Violence and amending customary laws that violate women’s rights.

The Centre conducted an Impact Assessment of Sev-Av Foundation on the rural communities in Benue State from inception

Participation in HIV/AIDS Fund Advisory Board workshop organized by BENSACA held in Makurdi on 11th October 2012.

The Centre is leading in Advocacy on the re-presentation of the Domestic Violence Bill to the Benue State House of Assembly.

Preparatory to the 20th anniversary celebration and convocation ceremonies of the Benue State University, the Centre set up a committee to identify 20 Benue women who have made outstanding contributions to humanity. The Centre is working on a book, “Amazons of the Benue Valley” in Honour of these women.

The Centre partnered with National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons and other Related Matters (NAPTIP) and the United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) on one month training of trainers’ workshop for social workers/NGOs on basic counseling and social work skills in the management of trafficked person in Makurdi.

The Centre also partnered with International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the training of facilitators on human trafficking in Makurdi.

The Centre conducted research into gender related issues such as the gender assessment of admission in Benue State University.

In order to network with other NGOs, especially here in Benue State, the Centre is actively involved in the activities of BENGONET that is coordinating Benue State NGOs.

The Centre has published her third volume of monograph series.


The Centre in its quest to encourage academic publications introduced a journal known as Womanhood in Nigeria. The 2014 edition of the journal is in circulation 2014.

In order to build the capacity of the less privileged and physically challenged persons in the society the Centre organized computer and internet training for the visual impaired in Benue State 2014.

The Centre marked the International Women’s Day on 8th March with the theme “Make it Happen” Deriving from this theme, the Centre for Gender Studies adopted a local theme: Not Insurmountable: “Inspiring the Benue Woman to Overcome the Challenges of the 21st Century”. Activities included debate competition among undergraduate students on the theme where prices were won 2015.

The Centre continued in the capacity building of the less privileged and physically challenged persons in the society. The second batch of computer and internet training for the visually impaired in Benue State was conducted and graduation for the 2014 and 2015 batches held where certificates as well as awards to outstanding graduates were presented 2015.

The Centre has introduced a weekly radio programme, Gender Forum aired on the Benue State University 89.9 FM. This programme creates awareness on the activities of the Centre and gender issues in general.

In order to be self-sportive the Centre has sent out numerous proposals seeking funding of its activities in 2016 which include workshops, research and training programmes and acquisition of research materials for its Library.

The Centre has continued with her postgraduate programme  leading to the award  of Master of Science in Gender Studies on graduation.

Course Background

Gender and Gender related issues have assumed an important place in research and public policy on social and political processes since the early 1990s. By the mid-1990s, particularly since the Beijing Women Conference in 1995, gender issues have remained and indeed continued to occupy an attractive and pride of place in social research and public discourse. Benue State University too was not left out as it joined the fray by institutionalizing almost at once the research machinery and human capacity building for gender and related issues. This was done with the establishment of the Centre for Gender Studies through a statute in 2001 with the intervention of Ford Foundation in collaboration with Social Science Academy of Nigeria. On the strength of this development, the University has been on a sound footing to initiate and support research and training into gender issues for scholars, leaders in government and non-governmental organizations and development workers in mainstreaming gender in policy, planning and implementation that have direct and indirect impact on Benue State and Nigeria in general. Since establishment, both the board of management and the University Senate has given approval to the programmes of the Centre namely: Masters in Gender Studies and Diploma in Gender Studies, Short courses in Gender and Development, research and organization of trainings/workshops are also included. These activities revolve on the mission and philosophy of the Centre.

Course Objectives
The main objectives of the short training programmes are:

  • To enhance the competencies of stakeholders and programme managers in the private, public, and nonprofit institutions.
  • To provide opportunities for the participants to share experiences regarding current trends in Gender and Development.
  • To build the capacity of participants to better plan, execute, and evaluate development programmes and policies effectively without being gender biased

The training will be conducted by a team of experts in the fields of study under consideration. There will be lectures in form of individual and group learning, presentations and experience sharing activities under the guidance of highly qualified professionals in thematic areas. Participants and facilitators will work in a highly participatory and interactive environment. Thematic group work, brainstorming and discussions will complement presentations with a view to stimulating participant’s ability to link concept and data in advancing the central objective of the training. There will be no exams but course certificate will be issued to participants who achieve an eighty percent (80%) participation in the all training activities including an end of course case study report.

English Language shall the official medium of communication throughout the training. Resource persons may however choose to garnish their illustrations using Pidgin English or local dialects as the case may be to achieve better understanding.

Location and Commencement
The training shall hold at the Conference Room of the Centre for Gender Studies, as well as Centre for Entrepreneurship Studies, Benue State University, Makurdi. Registration begins from 9th -30th May 2016, while classes will commence on 3rd June 2016.

Participants Profile
Participation in this short course training is open to persons working with public/private institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and Community Based Organizations. The courses will benefit all individuals who work in development and management-related institutions and other relevant agencies who wish to acquire the skills needed to advance in their careers.

The requirement for this training include:

  1. Fluency in English.
  2. Participants must be from 25 years and above.
  3. Participants must have at least a diploma or its equivalent in any field of study.

Registration Fee
Registration form cost N1,500 while the flat registration fee per course/person is N20,000 only per participants, for six weeks (week-ends only). The registration fee cover instruction, training materials, certificate of course completion and course photograph. Participants may wish to pay extra N10,000 for lunch throughout the training.

The Registration Form can be obtained from the Centre for Gender Studies office during working hours only between 9am to 4pm (Monday – Friday).
The registration fee may be paid in cash at the venue of the training or into Benue State University Centre for Gender Studies account number (Zenith Bank 1010440510) one week before the commencement of the training. Registration fees discounts will be given to organizations which will register up to ten participants who qualify for this training.

Refund Policy
Any registration fee remitted to Centre for Gender Studies is valid for the duration of the course (six weeks). In case the registered person(s) fails to attend the course due to emergency reasons, the registration fees may be adjusted to the next available training period and not beyond. No registration fees will be refunded for any reason.


Gender Responsive Programming
The course is designed to develop skills of gender mainstreaming in programing. Students will be taught how to mainstream gender through all the stages of the programme cycle.

Gender Budgeting
This course will expose trainees to the process of budgeting and budget tracking to measure achievements in gender equality through equitable allocation of resources.

Gender Analysis in the Health Sector
This course will expose trainees to the health needs and concerns of women, men and children and how these concerns impact on policy formulation and implementation in the health sector.

Gender and Transformative Leadership
This capacity is intended to build the capacity of trainees to recognize the gendered inequalities and their devastating impacts on girls and women and to work to eradicate such problems which are embedded in socio-cultural, political and economic practices and institutions in society.

Effective Communication Skills and Creative Writing
The significance of gender and the relations it has bred in human affairs is such that affect culture, especially language. Thus, this course seeks to bring a gendered lens to the use of language in communication particularly in creative writing as a major endevour in reproducing and reflecting human experience

Gender, Peace and Conflict Resolution
At the end of the training, participants should be able to explain the nature, types and implications of conflict on women and children in particular with an aim to advancing the role of women in conflict resolution and peace building as well as proposing gender specific policies in peace building.
Social Work and Counselling Skills
This course is developed to equip participants with professional knowledge and skills relevant for counseling and social work practice. Given the participants responsibilities in dealing with people with varied problems, and the huge need for them to offer diverse services which in most cases they are not trained for, the training is expected to enhance their capacity to function effectively and efficiently in their social work practice, counseling and rehabilitation duties.

Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) are fundamental components of any program that aims to continuously improve and provide better outputs and outcomes. They are important management tools to track progress and facilitate decision making. While some funders require some type of evalu1ative process, the greatest beneficiaries of an evaluation can be the community of people within which the project is cited. This course will enable trainees to design programs and activities that are effective, efficient, and yield powerful results. M & E seeks to answer such questions as – what development interventions make a difference. Is the project having the intended results? What can be done differently to better meet goals and objectives? M & E is important because it allows programs to demonstrate that they are meeting their goals and objectives and implementing the program as planned. M & E also offers information to make program improvements when necessary and document successes to share or scale up.

Contact us at
Centre for Gender Studies,
Benue State University, Makurdi.
Mobile: 07037719231, 08035405815, 07035906679, 08134506263

List of Directors

  1. 1. Professor J. O. Ayatse               -         2000 – 2001
  2. 2. Dr. Sylvester Orsaah                  -         2001 – 2004
  3. 3. Professor J. I. Shindi                 -         2004 – 2012
  4. 4. Professor Shima Gyoh               -         2012 – 2014
  5. 5. Dr. Gabriel Nyityo                     -         2014 – 2016
  6. 6. Professor Peter Ortese               -         2016 – date


General Objective:
This curriculum is developed to equip participants with professional knowledge and skills relevant for counseling and social work practice. Given the participants responsibilities in dealing with people with varied problems, and the huge need for them to offer varied services which in most cases they are not trained for, the training is expected to enhance their capacity to function effectively and efficiently in their social work practices, counseling and rehabilitation duties. Clients must be seen from a Professional Basic Counseling/Social Work Perspective as “normal human beings” whose prevailing circumstances should attract empathy and support to re-adjust to a normal way of life.

Specific Objectives

  • 1. To equip participants with adequate professional skills in social work.
  • 2. To equip participants with Professional knowledge in Basic Counseling.
  • 3. To equip participants with skills for adopting a Gender Sensitive Approach in relating with victims.
  • 4. To enable participants focus on promoting the overall welfare of victims.
  • 5. To equip professional social workers with more modern skills in social work and counseling. 

Course Profile

  • 1. Introduction to Social Work: General Overview
  • 2. Values and Ethnics in Social Work
  • 3. Methods in Social Work Practice
  • 4. Personality Development:
  • 5. Self-concept
  • 6. Self-esteem
  • 7. Cognitive restructuring
  • 8. Basic Communication/Interview Skills
  • 9. Gender Issues in Counseling
  • 10. Family Interaction and Stress Management
  • 11. Cultural Competency in Social Work

The training will be conducted by a crack team of experts in the field of study under consideration. There will be lectures in form of individual and group learning, presentations and experience sharing activities under the guidance of highly qualified professionals in thematic fields. Participants and facilitators will work in a highly participatory and interactive environment. Thematic group work, brainstorming and discussions will complement presentations with a view to stimulating participant’s ability to link concept and data in advancing the central objective of the training.

English Language shall the official medium of communication throughout the training. Resource persons may however choose to garnish their illustrations using Pidgin English or local dialects as the case may be to achieve better understanding.

Location and Commencement
The conference shall hold at the Conference Room of the Centre for Gender Studies, as well as Centre for Entrepreneurship Studies, Benue State University, Makurdi.

Expected Outcomes
At the end of the training participants would be expected to be:

  • 1. Equipped to effectively and effectively handle abused/diligent minors and exploited valuable persons.
  • 2. Equipped to understand client’s reaction to demonstrate empathy towards them.
  • 3. Equipped to deal with different consequences of violence and abuse to clients, including stress, trauma and other related conditions.
  • 4. Appreciative of the ethical dilemma in dealing with clients and the role of culture in Social Works practice.
  • 5. Knowledgeable of the importance of confidentiality in Social Work practice.

Participants Profile
Participation in this training is open to persons working with relevant Non-Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organizations, staff of Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, and other relevant agencies such as the Nigerian Police, Nigerian Immigration Service, National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), National Drug Law Enforcement Agency and Nigerian Civil Defence Corps etc.

The requirement for this training include:

  • 1. Fluency in English.
  • 2. Participants must be from 25 years and above.
  • 3. Participants must have at least a diploma or its equivalent in any field of study.

Registration Fee
Registration fee is N25, 000 only per participants, covering training materials, and certificate. Participants may wish to pay extra N10, 000 for lunch throughout the training.

The registration fee may be paid in cash at the venue of the training or into Benue State University Centre for Gender Studies account number (Zenith Bank 1010440510).

Contact us at
Centre for Gender Studies,
Benue State University, Makurdi.
Mobile: 07037719231, 08035405815, 07035906679

Staff Profile

Description: C:\Users\SIR G\Desktop\scan0158.jpgDr.  Becky Aliegba is a seasoned programme officer, trainer and consultant with ten years working experience with Centre for Gender Studies, Benue State University. She also serves as an instructor/facilitator on women and entrepreneurship as well as diverse areas of gender and public policy. This gender advocate has a PhD in political Science and has acquired immense training in gender related areas which include: gender and development, gender and reproductive health and rights, women and entrepreneurship development among others.


Description: C:\Users\SIR G\Desktop\scan0157.jpgAdagba Okpaga is a Professor of Comparative Politics and Development Studies and is currently the Director of the Centre for Peace and Development Studies at the Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria. He was the former Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and the Head of Department of Political Science in the same University. He attended the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and the University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri where he obtained the B.Sc, M.Sc; M.Sc and Ph.D degree specializing in Comparative and Development Studies and Political Philosophy respectively. He is presently undertaking another Ph.D program in History with thesis project on migrations in Africa. Professor Okpaga also attended the State University of New York at Buffalo, NY and the University of South Carolina, Columbia SC where he participated in the Fulbright program in the 1994-95 period. He is the National President of the Nigerian Chapter of the Fulbright Alumni Association of Nigeria. He has published books and has over one hundred articles in National and International Journals. His research interests include, Comparative Politics of Development, African Politics, Politics of Indigenous Societies, Migrations, Political Theory/Philosophy with teaching interests in International Relations, Public Administration, and Research Methodology.

Description: C:\Users\SIR G\Desktop\scan0159.jpgSr. Cecilia Madu OP is a professional Social Worker and a lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Benue state University. She holds a BA in Theology, MA Theology and Msc Social Work from Dominican University Chicago and St. Louis University, St. Louis respectively.  She presently lectures in the Department of Sociology and doubles as the Research and Training Officer at the Centre for Gender Studies, Benue State University Makurdi.

Emmanuel Dondo Anule holds a Bachelor of Science (Education) Degree in Statistics/Computer Science from The University of Agriculture, Makurdi. He has also obtained training in various aspects of Project management. His core competences and interests include; ICT administration, programme facilitation, Community mobilization and entrepreneurship development.  He has held various positions such as ICT Café’ Adminstrator, Class Teacher and volunteer counsellor. He is currently the Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Officer with Emmanuel Teryila Memorial Liberty Foundation engaged on the project titled Sustainabe Mechanism for Improving Livelihoods and Empowerment (SMILE), a USAID funded project supported by Catholic relief Services (CRS).

Description: C:\Users\CGS2-PC\Pictures\Nick_picture.jpgNick Agule is a Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant with over 25 years’ experience in academics and industry. He holds a Masters in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting both from the University of Benin and has successfully completed a Foundation Degree in Pastoral Ministry at the St Mary’s University London. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and a graduate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria. In the course of his career where he worked in four continents, he served in senior management positions where he managed and mentored employees across the world accompanying them in their journey of discovery of self, personality development, self-concept, self-esteem and emotional intelligence. He currently works with the Lux Terra Leadership Foundation where he plans and delivers training/workshops on psycho-spiritual therapy. He has attended several management and leadership development programmes locally and abroad. He is widely travelled visiting over 30 countries and still counting. His hobbies including volunteering where he served as a games maker at the 2012 London Olympics and the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow receiving recognition from the British Prime Minister. He also served on the governing board of a West London school for six years where he sat on the Head teacher performance review committee.  He is married with children.


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