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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Sports Unit

The unit responsible for student sporting activities started operations as a Directorate in the 1992/93 session under trhe Directorship of Dr. I. I. Gamba, who was the Head of Department of Physical and Health Education at that time. During the leadership of Dr. Gamba, which ended in 1996, the University did not participate in any NUGA organized games and did not attend NUGA as well. In 1996, the Directorate of Sports was scrapped and replaced with a unit, which was headed by a co-coordinator, in person of Mr. Jonathan Uever. The sport unit under Uever's leadership took part in the Nigerian Universities' Football Leagues but could not win in any of the matches played.

In 2000/2001, Mr. T. Iorvaa succeeded Mr. J. Uever as the second co-ordinator of Sports of the University. For the first time, the University attended and participated at the 2001 NUGA games, which was hosted by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Benue State University came 24 out of 35 Universities that participated at the Sport fiesta with two Silver Medals in Football and Judo and a Bronze Medal in Taekwando.

The sports facilities available in the University include:

1. One functional Football field out of two existing on the 2 campuses
2. One functional Basketball court out of three
3. One table tennis board
4. An out door badminton court
5. One volley ball court and
6. Two lawn tennis courts that are jointly used by staff and students. PROBLEMS The under listed constitute some of the major problems facing sport activities at Benue State University.

i. Accommodation: One of the basic problems of the sports unit is the fact that the Students Affairs Division hardly accommodates most sports men and women in the hostels because of the problem of lack of adequate accommodation.

ii. Inadequate Facilities: The available facilities such as pitches and courts are grossly inadequate for students on both the new and main campus, and

iii. Sports Store: The unit does not have a store facility to keep the University's sporting items. Considering that Benue State University's appearance at the 2001 NUGA games was her first attempt, coupled with the quality of sports men and women on ground, the University will have better performance in the future if the unit is also given such an opportunity and properly funded (Uever, 2002, Iorvaa, 2002).

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