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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Department of Psychology


Department of Psychology is one of the first departments established by the University. At the moment, the department runs a four year programme leading to a Bachelor’s of Science (B.Sc) Degree in Psychology.


The philosophy underlying the B.Sc programme in Psychology at BSU, Makurdi is to produce Psychology graduates who are imbued with the culture of a thorough knowledge of scientific psychology and effectively apply same to their immediate environment in order to improve the lot of the ordinary people in Benue State, Nigeria and the international community.


The main objective of the programme is to provide opportunities understanding, predicting and controlling the roots of human psychology in all its ramifications, formulate hypotheses and theories for solving psychological and socioeconomic problems of the Nigeria Society and the international community. The programme therefore aims at the following:

1. Producing graduates with a thorough understanding, predicting and controlling the roots of human and animal behaviour
2. Develop critical judgment, including the ability to observe, understanding, analyze and synthesize data on behaviour.

Contingent on the above, find work and be effective in very sphere of human activity including education, security service, military, clinic, industry, organizations etc.


The General Admission requirements into Benue State University are provided in the General Prospectus of the University. In addition to these requirements, the Department of Psychology requires for entry at least a PASS in Biology and Mathematics at the Ordinary Level. Health Science may be accepted in place of Biology. Direct Entry, G.C.E. A’ Level, Diploma in relevant fields in addition to O’ Level requirement.


The programme aims, among other things to achieve the above objectives. To train students so that they should be able to:

• Offer quality care (for those who are in hospitals and other health delivery systems)
• Be effective planners (for those in administration)
• Posses the ability to manage change
• Provide good leadership, have skills to motivate multi-sector staff, community-based organizations and community members through the use of base management and psychological theories.
• Apply predetermined protocols set by employers in problem solving
• Improve staff attitude to work by increasing team work, stemming sharp practices, and facilitating problem identification and problem solving.
• Improve communication, relationships with client and co-workers, negotiating skills and conflict resolution.
• To maintain personal and professional disciplines in such a way that they are embodiment of accountability
• Initiate, conduct, contribute and disseminate valid research of relevance to organizations.


While a Professional career in Psychology requires some Post Graduates training and qualification in a specialized area of Psychology, a graduate with a degree in Psychology can find employment in several such fields as:
Education: Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, Nursery, primary and Secondary Schools as well as special education institutions.
Medical: Psychiatric and mental health clinics, Hospitals and Colleges of Medicine.
Government General Services: Federal, State and Local Governments Services both Local and Foreign Services, particular in the areas of personnel management.
Government Parastatals: Especially in the areas of personnel management.
Private Sector: Industrial and Business Organizations.
The Military: The Air Force, Army and Navy
Security and Intelligence Services: A wide range of employment opportunities are available to Psychology graduates here.
Other Uniformed Services: The Police, Prisons, Immigration, Customs Services etc. Others any organization with personnel and managerial needs employs Psychology graduates.

Staff List

S/No. Full Name Rank Status Qualification Specialization


PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology I 2 Credit 
PSY 103 Learning Process I 2 Credit
PSY 105 History of Psychology 2 Credit
PSY 107 Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Psychology 2 Credit
GST 111 Communication in English 2 Credit
GST 113 Nigerian People and Culture 2 Credit
GST 121 Use of Library, study still and Information & Communication Technology 2 Credit
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology II 2 Credit 
PSY 104 Learning Process II 2 Credit
PSY 106 Basic Concepts of Experimental Psychology 2 Credit
PSY 108 Quantitative Methods in Psychology 2 Credit
Elective I
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 Credit
ECO 101 Principles of Economics 2 Credit
POL 101 Introduction to Political Science 3 Credit
GEO 131 Human Geography 3 Credit
BIO 101 General Biology 3 Credit
PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy & Logic 3 Credit
Elective II
ENG 101 English Language  2 Credit
BSM 101 Introduction to Business I  3 Credit
EFN 101 Money, Banking and The Economy  2 Credit
CMP 101 Introduction to Computer  2 Credit
GST 112  Logic Philosophy and Human Existence  2 Credit
GST 120  Communication in French     2 Credit
GST 122  Communication in English    2 Credit
SOC 102  Introduction to Sociology II  3 Credit
SOC 104  Nigerian Heritage  3 Credit
ECO 102  Principles  of Economics II  2 Credit
GEO 122  Introduction to Environmental Science  3 Credit
POL 104  Introduction Organization of Government    3 Credit
BIO 102  General Biology I  4 Credit
EDU 102  Educational Psychology  2 Credit
PHIL 106  Social & Political Philosophy  2 Credit
REL 102  Religion and Health Value I  2 Credit
BSM 102  Introduction to Business II  2 Credit
GST 211 History and Philosophy of Science 2 Credit
EPS 201 Entrepreneurship Studies 2 Credit
GST 222 Peace Studies & Conflict Resolution 2 Credit
EPS 202 Entrepreneurship Studies  2 Credit
POL 203 Foundation to Political Economy  3 Credit
POL 207 Principles of Public Administration  3 Credit
SOC 207 Sociology of the Family  2 Credit
SOC 209 Gender and Society 2 Credit
ECO 213 Population Economics  3 Credit
REL 211 Africa Traditional Religion & Culture 3 Credit
BSM 201 Principles & Techniques of Management 2 Credit
LW 201 Constitutional Law I  4 Credit
SOC 206 Sociology of Work & Occupation  2 Credit
GEO 232 Introduction to Population Geography 2 Credit
POL 2 Introduction to Local Government 3 Credit
LW 202 Constitutional Law II  4 Credit
REL 204 Psychology of Religion  2 Credit
BSM 202 Principles and Techniques of Management II 3 Credit
ENG 210 Creative Writing  3 Credit
  • To also include PSY 214: Sports Psychology (2 Credit Definition, scope and theories of sport psychology.  Goal setting, psychokinetic, motivation, morale, and performance in sport.  Performance enhancing substances, and sport administration.
PSY 301 Statistical Methods in Psychology I  2 Credit
PSY 302 Statistical Methods in Psychology II  2 Credit
PSY 303 Psychology of Deviant Behaviour 2 Credit
Theories and contemporary conceptions of deviant behavior in adult and children.  Analysis of problems of deviance on a socio-psychological scale, in-depth study of some deviant behaviour patterns and critical analysis of the concept of mental illness and criminal responsibility. Psychopathic personality, alcoholism and drug addiction, suicide and prostitution.
PSY 304 General Psychopathology This course will begin with general concepts of abnormal behaviour and the general conceptualization of psychopathology. It will also cover some major forms of childhood disturbance, issues, theory and research.  The course would also focus on the assessment and treatment of such behavior using psychological techniques.  It would also involve case history reviews and laboratory experiments. 
PSY 305 Personality theories and Assessment.  An overview of the major theories of personality and their implications for psychoanalytic interventions.  Psychotherapeutic, existential, humanistic, behavioural transactional analysis including Evelstat school of thoughts.  This course will also expose students to tools used by clinicians in their practice.  Emphasis will be placed on projective techniques, personality inventories and assessment approaches.
PSY 306 Sensory Process
PSY 307 Psychology of Substance Abuse (2 Credit) this course discusses the diagnosis of alcoholism and also the diagnosis of drug addiction.  It treats the rehabilitation of the drug addict.  The course also examines various stages of alcoholism, drug types and psychological problems associated with them.
 PSY 308 Introduction to Psychotherapy (2 Credit)
PSY 309 Research Methods in Psycho (2 Credit)
PSY 310 Psychological Aspects of Disability: (2 Credit) This will analyze types of disability (Physical and emotional), and society’s view of disability, referral programmes and placement for the disabled.  This course will also consider the helping team – the role of psychologies, practical field experience is highly recommended.
PSY 311 Psychological Testing and Test Construction
PSY 312 Advanced Experimental Design
PSY 313 Counselling Psychology Definition of Counselling. Educational, Vocational, and socio-personal counseling.  The nature and philosophy of counseling, qualities of a good counselor, the place of information in counseling in Nigeria.  The techniques and tools of counseling.  Test of personality. Interviewing, intelligence, aptitude interest, educational and vocational test.
PSY 314 Cross-cultural psychology
PSY 315 Environmental psychology
PSY 316 Cognitive psychology
PSY 317 Political psychology
PSY 318 Psychology of Women. A study of the personality of women.  An examination of the biological differences, and socio-psychological and cultural factors.  Mortality rates of women, role participation and women’s liberation movement.  Mental ability, women and career, and women and family.
PSY 319 SIWES Report Writing. Students are expected to submit written reports of their activities in relevant establishments attached to for a period of 6 months.  The reports following approved writing format, are to be assessed by academic staff in the participating departments.
PSY 320 Industrial-Based SIWES Assessment. Assessment of students based on confidential reports by supervisors in relevant establishments of attachment following approved uniform assessment criteria.    
400 Level Courses and Amended Courses
PSY 401 Psychological Testing and Test Construction II
PSY 402 Psycho-biological study of Behaviour
Advanced analysis of neural behaviour, models of the brain- Royal Fountain Model, Hydraulic Model and Electricity model, Brain chemistry Otto Loewis experiemtn.  Criteria for neurotransmitters for human behaviour. Neurochemical factors as related to mental retardation, depression, anxiety, Parkinson’s disease etc.  neurotransmitters in old age.  Study of the cerebrospinal and autonomic nervous system in their relation to psychological functions; the sense organs and peripheral nervous system; the ductless glands.  Theories of bodily correlates of the psychological state of the individual; sleep, hypnosis, stress, anxiety, depression, etc..  genetic
Gregory Mendel’s and Charles Darwin
PSY 403 Social Perception
PSY 404 Practicum in Psychology
PSY 405 Psychology of Union Management Relations
PSY 406 Clinical Psychology A survey of the history, practice and theoretical foundations of clinical psychology, differential diagnosis and treatment.  Stages and steps in clinical diagnosis.  Stages, procedures, methods, and techniques in psychological treatment and management of psychopathological disorders.  The role of the clinical psychologist in community mental health delivery
PSY 407 Organizational Psychology
PSY 408 Research Project
PSY 409 Behaviour Modification. Introduction to behaviour modification. Methods of behaviour modification, stimulus response, motivation, reinforcement, etc. theories of learning the classical or respondent learning, the operant conditioning, and the social learning, therapy models derived from classical conditioned paradigms such as: systematic desensitization, implosive therapy.  Deep muscle relaxation, etc.  therapy models derived from operant conditioning extinction, time out, punishments and shaping, social learning theory, cognitive therapy, Rational emotive therapy. Covert reinforcement, covert extension, convergent problem solving, self instruction techniques, client centered therapy, expressive training etc.  Overview of behaviour modification, traditional behaviour modification.
PSY 410 Psychology of Social Change 
PSY 411 Forensic Psychology. Introduction to forensic psychology.  Techniques and processes of forensic investigations.  Models of legal system, eye witness testimony, research methods in forensic psychology interrogation, the minor in criminal justice.
PSY 412 Psychology of Social change
PSY 413 Current Issues in Psychology
PSY 414 Psychology of Negotiation (4 Credit)
PSY 415 Childhood Psychopathology2 Credit)
Developmental deviations, the atypical child, borderline behaviours, personality disorders and anti-social behavior.  The role of psycho social milieu (the family, neighborhood, etc to childhood psychosis).  The autistic child, mental retardation, partial, mild and profound retardations.  Downs syndrome, soft neurological disorders in children.  Minimal brain dysfunction.  Hyperactivety, school phobias, learning disability.  Neuropsychological assessment of the child.     
PSY 416 Health Psychology
Meaning and scope of health psychology health belief model and other theories of health psychology.  Stress and coping, psychological factors in chronic and terminal illnesses, communicable and non-communicable diseases.