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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Our Philosophy

The Philosophy of Benue State University is to seek to mold the total being by developing the mind and imparting both theoretical and practical knowledge that encourage self reliance in the individual. The programmes of study and training have therefore been designed to assist the individual to understand, exploit, and if need be change his environment.

Benue State University is to act as an agency for developing the complete person (morally, intellectually and physically) who would contribute to the growth of his social, cultural, political and economic environment and apply his skills to raise Benue State from poverty to prosperiity


The objectives of Benue State University are as follows:

1. To encourage and promote advancement of learning and to make available to all persons without discrimination on the ground of race, creed or political conviction, the opportunity of acquiring university education.
2. To encourage the effective application of higher education to the needs of the State through research, extension and consultancy.
3. To provide ready access for Benue State citizens to higher education for self-reliance.
4. To promote, preserve and propagate the social and cultural heritage of the diverse people of the state.
5. To engage in any other activity of a developmental university of the highest standard.

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