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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Health Care Center

The University Health Clinic was established immediately the University took off. The most basic drugs for the most common and frequent illness were provided. For more serious and complex cases, staffs were required to attend the Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi for treatment.

The University maintains health services for its staff members and their families. Staff and their families are entitled to free medical facilities within the resources of the University Health Services.

The University has on several occasions underwritten bills of staff that have received serious and intensive treatment in hospitals outside the State. With regard to death responsibilities, the University takes on the responsibility of providing transport for the conveyance of sympthaizers and the remains of a deceased staff member to his/her home town. It provides a casket and places obituary announcements on the radio as well as print obituary posters. Mortuary charges in respect of the deceased are also paid by the University.

These are some of the humane ways in which the University shares the pain and burden of misfortunes that befall its staff. Staffs have continued to express appreciation to the University particularly over the worrisome issue of transportation at such times. Most importantly, the benefits of the deceased staff are computed and paid to his/her registered next-of-kin promptly.

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