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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Department of Curriculum and Teaching

Brief History of the Department

The Department of Curriculum and Teaching was established in 1993. It is currently one of the three Departments in the Faculty of Education which was created out of the Department of Education. It offers degree programmes in six academic disciplines. There are 26 academic staff and 6 non-academic/administrative staff.
philosophy and objectives

Broadly speaking the philosophy and objectives of the Faculty of Education and the Department of Curriculum and Teaching are centered on the Nigerian national objectives through the pursuit of freedom, democracy, justice, egalitarianism, national unity, strength and self-reliance, economic emancipation, and the broadening of opportunities through well-coordinated education of citizens. Consequently, instruction is generally aimed at:

* The inculcation of national consciousness and national unity.
* The inculcation of the right type of values and attitudes for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian Society.
* The training of the mind in the understanding of the world around.
* The acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities and competencies, both mental and physical, as equipment for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of his society.
* The preparation of competent professionals to man the various segments of the educational sector at the local government, state, and national levels, and
* The production of teachers who are academically and professionally competent as well as committed to the teaching profession.

Mission and Vision

The Department is poised to produce highly qualified and conscientious teachers and educational administrators toward meeting the aims and objectives for education as stated in the National Policy on Education.

Regular Degree Programmes

Regular Degree Programmes
The department of Curriculum and Teaching in conjunction with other Departments in the University prepares professionally qualified graduates of English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Integrated Science.

Upon graduation they are awarded the B. A. Education/B. Sc. Education/B. Education degrees in their respective fields. In order to ensure professional and academic competence, the degree programmes have been planned in such a way that two thirds of the courses required for graduation are taken from the candidates teaching subject Faculties and one third from the Faculty of Education.

* The department also offers ten programmes in conjunction with other departments for the University Sandwich Programme. The programmes are:

(a) B. A. Ed English
(b) B. A. Ed. History
(c) B.A Ed. Religion and Philosophy
(d) B. A. Ed. French
(e) B. Sc. Ed. Economics
(f) B. Ed. Integrated Science and
(g) B. Sc. Ed. Biology
(h) B. Sc. Ed. Chemistry
(i) B. Sc. Ed. Physics
(j) B. Sc. Ed. Mathematics.

* For B. A. Ed. (English) a pass of GCE O’Level or equivalent is required in Mathematics and English Literature.

For B. Ed Integrated Science, a pass or GCE O’Level at equivalent in Mathematics is required.

* For B.Sc. Ed (in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Mathematics) a credit pass at GCE O’Level or equivalent is required in Mathematics.
* A credit pass at GCE O’Level or equivalent in English Language is required of all applicants (i.e. UME/Direct entry)
* A pass in a relevant NCE minor subject may be accepted as equivalent to GCE O’Level credit.
* A pass in Teachers’ Grade II Arithmetic may be accepted as equivalent to a pass in Mathematics.
* No subject is counted twice, that is in both ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels.

Course Registration Rules

* To be accepted as a bonafide student eligible to attend lectures and sit for examinations, the student must duly register within the appropriate period for all the core, and where applicable, elective courses at the beginning of each semester.
* A student who fails to duly register within the specified period will be required to pay a registration fine. This concession is for a period of two weeks, though subject to review by senate.

Any change or alteration in the student’s course registration form after it has been duly endorsed by the designated authority shall not be accepted without the consent of the Head of Department. Such a change, either by way of addition, reduction or subtraction, must be effected on specially prescribed forms and within the first four weeks of the semester.
Any student who sits for an examination in a course for which he/she has not registered will have the result of such examination declared null and void.
At the commencement of departmental registration, student’s advisors shall provide them with an up-to-date list of courses available for the semester, the department where each course is offered and the lecturer assigned to teach each course.

Requirements for Graduation

Duration of Programme:
Regular Programme
UME applicants are offered the four-year programme (100 – 400), the direct entry applicants are allowed a three – year programme (200 – 400 Level). The maximum period allowed a student to remain on a programme under the four year system is six years (i.e. 150% of the normal duration of four years) and that of direct entry is also four years.
Sandwich Programme
For now, all sandwich students are offered a five contact session programme. The maximum period allowed a student to remain on a programme is seven contact sessions.
Award of Bachelor’s Degree:
To qualify for the award of a Bachelor’s degree, a candidate shall satisfy the following conditions.

* Must have been duly admitted for the degree programme.
* Must have been duly matriculated into the University.
* Must have paid all requisite fees and debts.
* Must have passed all required courses as prescribed for the degree programme and earned a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 1.00.

Inaugural Lecture in Chapters - THE DILEMMA OF THE SCIENCE TEACHER


Staff List

S/No. Full Name Rank Status Qualification Specialization
1 Professor Tenure    
2 Professor Tenure    
3 Professor Tenure    
4 Professor Tenure    
5 Professor Tenure    
6 Professor Tenure    
7 Professor Tenure    
8 Professor Tenure    
9 Professor Tenure    
10 Associate Professor Tenure    
11 Professor Tenure    
12 Professor Tenure    
13 Associate Professor Tenure    
14 Associate Professor Tenure    
15 Senior Lecturer Tenure    
16 Lecturer I Tenure    
17 Lecturer I Tenure    
18 Lecturer I Tenure    
19 Lecturer II Tenure    
20 Lecturer II Tenure    
21 Lecturer II Tenure    
22 Assistant Lecturer Tenure    
23 Senior Laboratory Technologist Tenure    

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