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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Students Affairs Division



Professor Joseph Terwase Kerker was born on the 15th of March 1958 at Camp Nagi in Gwer West Local Government Area of Benue. He attended St. Paul’s RCM Primary School, Apenda; St Theresa’s Primary School, Naka; and St Mary’s Primary School North Bank Makurdi, between 1964-1971. He enrolled into Padopads Harmony Secondary, School, Makurdi in 1973 and graduated with WASC in 1978. In the same year he proceeded to St. Augustine’s Major Seminary, Jos, and graduated with Bachelor of Divinity, BD in 1984 from Urbanian University, Rome. He went back to University of Jos in 1984 and graduated with M.A. in Religious Studies, and between 1995 and 2004 he bagged Ph. D in Ethics from the same University.

Professor Joseph Kerker has a vast working experience since graduation. He taught at Mt. St. Gabriel’s Secondary School, Makurdi; between 1984-1985;  Part-time Lecturer, Advanced Teachers College,  Makurdi  1984-1985; Tutor, Padopads Harmony Secondary School, Makurdi 1988-1990;  Lecturer, College of Education K/Ala, 1990-1992; Lecturer, Benue State University, Makurdi, 1993 where he has been teaching in the past 22 years and was promoted to the rank of full professor of ethics in 2010.

Professor Joseph Kerker has Membership with many Professional Bodies including, National Association for the Study of African Religions and Culture, National Association of Biblical Studies and National Association for the Study of Religions.

Within his twenty two years of service to Benue State University, Professor Joseph Kerker has served the University in the following capacities;

  • ο   Member, Accommodation & Transport, Benue State University, Convocation Ceremony.
  • ο   Secretary, Faculty of Arts Seminar Committee, Benue State University, Makurdi
  • ο   Member, Entertainment Committee, Benue State University Convocation Ceremony.
  • ο   Member, Fertilizer Distribution Committee Benue State University, Makurdi
  • ο   Member Benue State University Affiliation Committee.
  • ο   Ag. HOD Religion and Philosophy, Benue State University, Makurdi.
  • ο   PG Coordinator, Department of Religion & Philosophy, Benue State University, Makurdi,
  • ο   Coordinator Sandwich Programme, Department of Religion & Philosophy. Benue State University, Makurdi,
  • ο   Dean, Faculty of Arts, Benue State University, Makurdi,
  • ο   Chairman, ASUU-BSU, Makurdi 2008-2010
  • ο   Member, Benue State University Governing Council, elected from congregation,
  • ο   President, Benue State University Senior Staff Club, Makurdi,
  • ο   Chairman, Board of Governors, Benue State University Science & Technical college, Makurdi.
  • ο   Member, Court of Governors, Benue State University College of Health Sciences, Makurdi
  • ο   Member, BSU Council Committee for the Implementation of the 2009 agreement between FGN/ASUU
  • ο   Member, Benue State University Council Ad-hoc Committee on Staff Audit,
  • ο   Sabbatical Leave, Gombe State University, Gombe.
  • ο   Member of Senate Gombe State University, Gombe
  • ο   Member, Committee of Deans and Directors, Benue State University, Makurdi.
  • ο   Member, Benue State University Postgraduate Board.
  • ο   Member, Benue State University Press
  • ο   Member, Benue State University, Library Management Board.
  • ο   Member, Benue State University Senate
  • ο   External Examiner, Nassarwa State University, Keffi. Nassarawa State,
  • ο   External Examiner, University of Jos, Jos Plateau State
  • ο   Visiting Lecturer, Gombe State University, Gombe,
  • ο   External Examiner, University of Ibadan, Ibadan 
  • ο   Visiting Lecturer Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State
  • ο   Resource person, Curriculum Development, Department of Religious Studies, Federal University, Kashere

Professor Joseph Kerker has over 25 publications in circulation in both local and international books and journals. He is married to Mrs. Dorothy Terember Kerker and they have five Children. He likes playing Tennis, travelling and is quite humorous and jovial


Benue State University was established in 1992 with a clear vision and mission: to be the first choice university in Nigeria and one of the best in the World. In the past 22 years, the university has partially actualized this vision and earned its position among the first generation universities in Nigeria and of course first choice university in Nigeria. This is evident from the teaming applications that the university receives every year from prospective undergraduates and staff appointments. This therefore demonstrates the fact that Benue State University has come of age. What remains to be done is, consolidate on the gains so far, restructure our failures and initiate new projects to address the emerging realities and challenges of our times in the overall interest of actualizing the vision of the University.

For a deep look at this Publication, [ Click here to view the pdf ]


Established by the Benue State University Edict No. 3 of 1991, Benue State University, Makurdi at the moment has eight Faculties. The University has a student enrolment figure of over seventeen thousand (17,000) covering undergraduate, postgraduate, sub-degree , preliminary science, French and vocational and technical education. The importance of a Student Affairs Division in the University can never be over emphasized. The Student Affairs Division of the Benue State University is directly under the office of the vice-Chancellor. The Division is headed by a Dean of Students who is an Academic staff. The Dean of Students is assisted by a Deputy Dean of Students who is an Academic Staff and a Senior Registry Staff designated as the Student Affairs Officer who is responsible to the Dean of Students for the day-to-day administration of the Division. The division is majorly concerned with students welfare. The role of the Benue State University student Affairs division includes amongst others:

The provision of counseling services to students:

The university has a resident Counseling psychologist attached to the counseling unit which is directly under the Student Affairs Division for the purpose of counseling the different categories of persons who come to seek knowledge in different fields in the University and have problems which they need to solve. These problem areas can be categories into:

* The problems of Adjustment
* Vocational problems
* Academic and study problems
* Social relationship problems
* Personal social problems
* Social psychological problems
* Moral and religious problems
* Family , marital and sex problems and
* Financial problems

The resident psychologist renders these counseling services to students in conjunction with other trained guidance counselors who are employed by the university for this purpose. The counseling unit occasionally organizes conferences and seminars aimed at encouraging students to contact the counselors whenever they have problems which they cannot resolve on their own. It is important to note here that the counseling unit offers services to even staff of the University.

The Student Affairs Division handles the registration of student clubs and societies which aims do not contravene the rules and regulations of the University. The Division ensures that clubs and societies obtain written approval from the Dean of Students before embarking on any club activity.

Benue State University has thirteen halls of residence with a total carrying capacity of two thousand, two hundred and fifty nine bed spaces. It is important to note here that the accommodation is grossly inadequate considering that the university has a student population of about seventeen thousand. Given the acute shortage of accommodation on campus, consideration is normally given to final yea students, first year students, disabled students, outstanding sports men and women and foreign students. Postgraduate students and all other students not entitled to accommodation are normally advised to make their own accommodation arrangements outside the University campus. Students purchase accommodation forms for two hundred Naira from the office of the Dean of students at the beginning of an academic year, fill their forms and submit for room allocation. The hostel allocation committee - an in house committee of the Division made up of the Dean of Students, Deputy Dean of Students, the Student Affairs officer and four hall Administrators allocates bed spaces to the applicants based on the availability of space. A bed space fee of one thousand and fifty Naira (N1,050) is charged for returning students and one thousand five hundred and fifty Naira (N1,550) for fresh students. The Hall Administrators co-ordinate the administration of the halls of residence.

All matriculated students of the Benue State University are free to participate in student unionism. Student Union in the university is not an autonomous government to be run parallel to that of the university. The University students information handbook 2010/2011 succinctly puts it that the student union is a forum used to facilitate communication between students and the university authority through dialogue and peaceful negotiations for the smooth running of the institution (95). Membership of student union is voluntary.
The Student Affairs Division Coordinates all the activities of the student union including student union elections which are conducted with the aid of student representatives from each of the eight faculties in the University.

Monitoring the Activities of Student Clubs and Societies:
The Student Affairs Division handles the registration of student clubs and societies which aims do not contravene the rules and regulations of the University. The Division ensures that clubs and societies obtain written approval from the Dean of Students before embarking on any club activity.

a. Liaison with the security unit for the purpose of ensuring security on campus:
Anti- social and criminal activities such as theft Sometimes take place in the halls of residence. Students found committing anti-social and criminal activities in the halls of residence are handed over to the security unit for further necessary action. Matters bothering on the general security threat in the hostel are reported to the security unit.

b. Handling of Scholarship and Bursary Matters:
The Student Affairs Division coordinates scholarship and bursary activities by serving as a link between the awarding states or organizations and the students.

c. Programming of Graduates for the National Youth Service Corps Scheme (NYSC):
The Division is saddled with the responsibility of programming Benue State University graduates for the National Youth Service Corps Scheme and any other matters as it affects students of the University.

d. Organization of Orientation for Freshmen:
The Student Affairs Division participates actively in the orientation of fresh men on campus. All new students of the University are required to undergo an orientation programme aimed at acquainting them with the services and privileges available to them as well as their responsibilities as students of the University. Orientation takes place shortly before the students are matriculated. The Dean of Students serves as the chairman of the orientation committee with the Student Affairs Officer, the Academic Officer and the coordinator of sandwich programme as members. Housing the Senate Advisory Committee on Student Discipline:
The Student Affairs Division services the senate Advisory committee on students discipline. Membership of this committee is drawn from the management, the Student Affairs Division, the Security Office and the Student Union. The committee is chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Administration with the Student Affairs Officer as the secretary. The committee presides over all student disciplinary cases except those bothering on examination malpractice and forwards recommendations to the senate for further necessary action.

e. Publication and Circulation of the Students’ Information Handbook:
On a yearly basis, the Student Affairs Division Publishes and circulates the students’ information handbook to fresh students. This handbook provides comprehensive information that students find very useful in the conduct of all their activities on campus.

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