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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Journal of Gender, Politics & Development Studies 2024 Maiden Edition ISSN: 1597 - 8192

Gender Discrimination in Politics: An Assessment of Women Participation in the 2019 General Elections in Gombe State, Nigeria

Moses Muyiwa Aiyenigba, Ndaliman Alhaji Hassan, Mohammed Abubakar Sambo & Isaac Terungwa Terwase


Nigerian women are marginalized in the electoral process despite the numerical size they occupy in Nigeria's population. This disposition is aided by religious, cultural, biological and even cognitive dynamics. This study is an assessment of women participation in politics with reference to the 2019 general elections in Gombe State with the aim of examining the extent of voter turnout among women and the rate at which women obtain appointment to political offices after the 2019 general elections in Gombe State. The study made use of primary data which was obtained through questionnaire and personal interviews, and secondary data such as existing published books, journals, online newspapers. Inequality theory was employed in the course of the study. Findings of the study shows that women participation in the 2019 general elections in Gombe State was not encouraging as it was characterized by inequality and gross discriminations. It is recommended that the government needs to improve women's participation in electoral competitions at all levels by empowering them with quality education, and laws that will devote certain percentage of slots to women in the political space, employment opportunity, and through conscious efforts in encouraging women's participation in politics.

Key words: Women, inequality, participation, election, assessment.


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