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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Journal of Gender, Politics & Development Studies 2024 Maiden Edition ISSN: 1597 - 8192

The Role Of Women In Conflict Management In Benue State

Paulina Ada Akpa & John Tor Tsuwa


The chapter examines the role of women in conflict resolution with a special focus on Benue State. The paper relied on secondary sources of data collection and the data is analyzed within the arrangement of liberal feminist theory. The study discovered that the patriarchal organization of African societies including Benue State has diminished the critical role that women play in conflict management and rehabilitation. It was also discovered that traditional and religious practices have created great challenges in the efforts of women towards their contribution to conflict management. The work also discovered that despite these challenges, women have demonstrated capacity as peace builders in many cases. To this end, the paper recommends that women should legally be accorded recognized roles in conflict management irrespective of the traditional and religious practices in their communities.

Key words: Women, conflict, communal conflict, Resolution and conflict management.


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