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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Journal of Gender, Politics & Development Studies 2024 Maiden Edition ISSN: 1597 - 8192

Climate Change and Gender Based Violence in Nigeria

Member Euginia George-Genyi


This study examines the complex relationship between climate change and gender-based violence in Nigeria, highlighting the multifaceted challenges and vulnerabilities faced by women and marginalized groups. The study used secondary sources of data and utilized the Ecosystem theory as the frame work of analysis. The research reveals that climate change exacerbates existing gender inequalities, leading to increased risks of gender-based violence. Women as primary stewards of resources, experience heightened vulnerabilities due to shifts in environmental patterns and resource scarcity. Economic stressors arising from climate change contribute to power imbalances, escalating the risk of domestic violence. Cultural and social dynamics further amplify these challenges, with displacement and overcrowded living conditions fostering environments conducive to genderbased violence. Specific groups, including women, indigenous communities, and those with limited access to resources, face intersecting vulnerabilities, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions. Policy and legal frameworks are identified as crucial components for addressing the linkages between climate change and gender-based violence. Thus, a gap in integration persists, necessitating a comprehensive and gender-sensitive approach in climate policies. The eco-feminist perspective underscores the interconnectedness of environmental and gender injustices, advocating for holistic sustainability solutions.

Key words: Climate Change, Ecosystem, Vulnerabilities, Gender Based Violence, Intersecting


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