Causality in Tiv Traditional Thought System
Tughhemba, Terfa Nicholas, PhD and Oliver TersooAgundu, PhD
Tiv metaphysics deals with the ontological world-view of the Tiv people. And one idea that is central in this understanding is causality. The Tiv believe that the universe cannot exist without the causal force at play and this is traceable to the origin of the universe, where the Uncaused Cause, the Supreme Being, created the universe. Using the historical, expository and analytical methods, the study examines the Tiv dimensions of causality, stating the orderliness of the universe and the way events unfold with causal influence as the nature of reality. Unlike the Westerners, the Tiv speaks of causality in terms of metaphysics. Here, the Supreme Being is understood as the source of all that is and sustains all beings in being with the active role of ujijingi-spirits, umache-humans beings, animate and inanimate beings.
Key words:
Tiv, Supreme Being, causality, spirits, man, animate and inanimate beings.
All correspondence should be address to the Editor,
Makurdiowl Journal of Philosophy (MAJOP),
Faculty of Arts,
Department of Philosophy,
Benue State university,