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 Benue State University, Makurdi

MakurdiOwl Journal of Philosophy (MAJOP) Vol.3, No.2

Understanding the Life-world (Lebenswelt) as the world of Action and Common Humanity

Peter Iorhom Akunoko PhD and Anthony Udoka Ezebuiro PhD


The life-world is a pre-reflective everyday world. It is a pre-scientific world that is open to interpretation, meaning construction and manipulation. As a social, historical and cultural world, it is loaded with interpretations and value perspectives which provide the bases for the flow of scientific views in sustained attempts by humans to understand it. This paper argues that the primordial life-world is empty of content. It derives its content and meaning from human action. It is this human action that accords the life-world the social, political and cultural character. Within this structural frame, human beings interprete communicate and socially engage in multiple communal spheres. This makes the life-world the world of common humanity and interpretation. Therefore, a theory of philosophic hermeneutics is essential in our understanding of the life-world.

Key words: Life-World, Hermeneutics, Action, Humanity, Meaning


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