The global system is in a permanent flux as a result of astonishing breakthroughs in science and technology. Beginning from the quantum leaps in the 19th century, the global stage has continued to witness advancement in diverse aspects of human endeavour. This is most noticeable in science and technology, medicine, culture, arts, architecture and engineering. Today, Artificial Intelligence has further broadened the horizons of science and technology through the effective use of computers and machines to simulate human intelligence for problem-solving tasks. Curiously, most of the nations that are architects of these awe-inspiring feats in modern science and technology seem to have relied largely on “home grown” knowledge for problem-solving. This notion holds sway particularly in Europe and Asia. Regrettably, the growing trends in Artificial Intelligence that arise from the increasing sophistication of science and technology appear to have whittled down the potency and relevance of indigenous knowledge systems in the development drive of Africa and other developing nations of the global system with significant consequences. This is the concern that has inspired the need for a multidisciplinary intellectual engagement among scholars of different academic orientations. The Faculty of Arts, Benue State University, therefore, organizes this International Conference to assemble scholars from all over the world to engage with the theme above.
They are to contact their Faculty Officers, Secretaries of the Sandwich Programme and Centre for Continuing Education who will issue Academic gowns to them for the Matriculation Ceremony after payment of the sum of Two Thousand (N2,000.00) naira only using either Fidelity Bank plc account number 5030023693 or Zenith Bank, account number 1011136506 respectively.
Participants are requested to submit well-written academic abstracts on any of the sub-themes, which include, but not limited to:
• Conceptual and Theoretical Issues
• Artificial Intelligence and the knowledge-driven economy
• Artificial Intelligence and Africa’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems
• Artificial Intelligence, Security and Securitization in Africa
• Historical and Theoretical Issues in Africa’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems
• The Colonial Factor in Africa’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems
• Perspectives on Africa’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems
• Globalization and Africa’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems
• Indigenous systems and sustainable development in Africa
• Africa’s Indigenous Pedagogy and Global Dynamics
• Knowledge, Politics and Development in Africa
• Africa’s Indigenous Justice Administration Systems
• African Educational Systems and Development Crises
• Africa’s Response to Climate Change and Ecology
• Foreign Languages and Africa’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems
• African Traditional Religions and Modernity
• Globalization and Cultural Imperialism in Africa
• Indigenous Languages and Knowledge Development in Africa
• Indigenous Governance Systems and Development in Africa
• Indigenous Philosophy and Africa’s Development
• Indigenous Technology, Entrepreneurship and Human Capital
• ICT and Africa’s Development
• Migration and Africa’s Development
• Nationalism and Identities in Africa
• Pan-Africanism and Political Stability in Africa
Abstracts of not more than 250 words should be submitted under any of the above sub-themes to Email: and
All abstracts must be submitted on or before 5th September, 2024. Participants are to note that only authors of accepted abstracts would be invited to submit full papers which should be written on A4 size, double line space, font size 12, New Time Roman, not more than 20 pages including references in MLA reference style 7th edition. Abstracts should include paper title, author’s name, institutional affiliation, email address, Phone number, keywords and evidence of payment. All full papers must be received on or before 27th September, 2024
Nigerian Participants: N30,000
Foreign Participants: $100
Students: N10,000
Corporate Registration: N50,000
ACCOUNT NAME: Faculty of Arts
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 6060350683
BANK NAME: Fidelity Bank plc
The Conference also features a Special Faculty of Arts Alumni/Stakeholders' Dinner Night.
Keynote Address
Professor Gideon Omachonu AvHF, FLAN, FICSHER, MNAL,
Department of Linguistics, Foreign and Nigerian Languages
National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN)
Lead Paper Presenter
Professor Umar Habila Dadem Danfulani AvH, FAR, MNAL, CILED and UN Ambassador for Peace
Department of Religion and Philosophy
University of Jos
Chief Host
Professor Joe Tor Iorapuu KSM, fSONTA fNIPR
Vice Chancellor.
Benue State University
Professor John Ebute Agaba MHSN, MHFRN (UK), MNALS, JP
Dean, Faculty of Arts
Benue State University, Makurdi-Nigeria
CONVENER/ Chairman, Local Organizing Committee
Professor Christie Ogoma Anyogo
Secretary, Local Organizing Committee
Dr Zack Ver Wade