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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Contemporary Journal of Applied Psychology (CJAP), Vol 3 No 1, March 2016

Single parenting inNigeria:Psycho-social implications.

Chia, Perpetua Ngosoo Ph.D & Joyce Mcivir Terwase
(Department of Psychology, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria +2347062663826,


This paper is a review of existing literature on single-parenting as a form of a fast emerging family pattern that was formerly not known and accepted in Nigeria, and is now gaining recognition and being adopted in our society. The paper examined various definitions of the concept and causes of single parenting such as death of a spouse, divorce, early age of marriage, teenage pregnancy/ unintended pregnancy, desertion, single parent adoption, industrialization and women empowerment are discussed. Displaced homemakers, adolescent mothers, single fathers and voluntary motherhood are some of the types of single parenthoods identified and discussed. Single parenting though gaining grounds are not without their attendant negative consequences on the children and parents alike. Some of these psychosocial implications on the children include anti-socialbehaviours, aggression, poor academic performance, fear, anxiety, hostility and idleness. While some of the psychosocial implications on single parents include, discrimination, rejection and blackmail, condemnation, stress, insecurity, loneliness, role identity and depression. Couples in a marriage should endeavour to settle their grievances and conflicts amicably to avoid single parenting are some of the recommendations made.

Key words: Family, Single-Parenting, Single-Parenthood, Psychosocial Implications.


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Department of Psychology,
Benue State university,
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