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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Benue Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies (BENJOPECS) 2022

The Impact of Corruption on Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic

Ortindi Boniface ORTINDI


This paper examines corruption and its impact on the socio-economic development of Nigeria with a focus on the Fourth Republic. To achieve this, the paper has benefited immensely from secondary sources of data such as books, journals, Newspaper publications and periodicals to gather information as it relates to the state in Africa vis-à-vis development in continent. The paper finds out that the African state and state actors over the decades have been repressive even as the state has become an instrument in the hands of the ruling class for personal aggrandizement. The paper recommends amongst other things that the state and her actors must make the people part and parcel of the process of development. African leaders must reevaluate the structure and operation of the post-colonial state which is creation of colonial imperialism by looking inwards rather than borrowing development paradigms from Western Europe and North America. African leaders should therefore introduce radical changes towards democracy and issing good governance. Since the base determines to a large extent the super structure, leadership in Africa must focus on the economy by making genuine investment in the development of productive forces. Investment should be directed to the real sectors of the economy such as agriculture, energy and industrialization which will stimulate production and inter-sectoral linkages and complementarity that would galvanize Africa’s development and make her competitive in the global economy. Furthermore, more powers, responsibilities and resources should be devolved to regional and local authorities who are closer to the people and the people empowered and get interested in holding their local leaders accountable for their actions and inactions while in positions of responsibility. It is by so doing that Africa can chart a course towards sustainable development.

Key words: Corruption, Socio-Economic Development, Fourth Republic, African Leaders, and Nigeria


Faculty of Social Sciences,
Department of Political Science,
Benue State university,


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