Call for Articles
This is to bring to the notice of the university community, research institutions/organizations, individuals, stakeholders and the general public that well-researched, authentic manuscripts/ articles are invited for publication in the BSU Journal of Science, Mathematics and Computer Education (BSU-JSMCE). It is a bi-annual peer reviewed research journal published by the Department of Science and Mathematics Education in Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria. It is a scholarly Journal interested in both International and National articles aimed at professional development of academics and professionals in other related respective fields for global impact. Manuscripts published in BSU-JSMCE will receive high publicity and acquire high reputation in both the scientific and research communities.
To publish both online and hard copy standard high quality and state of the art empirical research articles with critical literature reviews and sound theoretical basis on education problem areas bi-annually.
• To publish empirical papers with sound theoretical backing.
• To create an avenue for discussing innovative ideas, global trends, promoting activities and practices that will hone teaching and learning.
The Journal accepts articles in areas of Science, Mathematics, Computer Science Education and Science Education related areas.
(A) All papers should be empirical and should follow the format below:
Title, Name of author(s), with institutional address, phone number and email address, concise abstract of approximately 250 words with appended key words not less than three. Introduction with concise theoretical basis, methodology, results (including tables), discussion, references, and other relevant and appropriate titles are acceptable.
(B) Manuscripts should be consistent with the following guidelines:
(i) Double line spacing
(ii) Must be original and not sent for publication elsewhere;
(iii) Use Times New Roman, font size “12”
(iv) One-inch margin throughout entire manuscript;
(v) Not exceeding 15 pages (appendix inclusive);
(vi) All pages, except title page should include pagination;
(vii) Corresponding author should be clearly noted in the case of multiple authors;
(viii) Page number should appear centered at the bottom of each page
(ix) Acceptable referencing style is the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th Edition;
iv (x) Tables should be numbered appropriately following APA format, while sources bereferenced where applicable;
(xi) Abstract be designed to provide a comprehensive executive summary of the con-tents of the manuscript that draw readers attention.
(xii) Only in-text citations should appear on reference list;
(xiii) Complete list of references cited should appear at the end of the text while tables,figures or graph can be infused in the paper;
(xiv) Use initial caps for all major headings and sentence case for subheadings (allbold)
Publication Fees
All articles will be charged vetting fee of N5,000/$15 and publication fee of N25,000/$60 each.
A complementary Journal copy will be issued per paper, while coauthors can obtain extra cop-ies at N2,000/$6 per copy.
Call for Papers/Time Lines
Papers are received all the time in a year. However, only papers submitted on or before 30thMay may be published in the June Edition, while papers submitted on or before 30th Novem- ber may make the November Edition.
Mode of Submission
Authors are required to submit a soft copy of their articles as attached files to:
Mode of Payment
Payments for articles should be made at:
Account Number: 5700014095
Account Name: Journal of Science, Mathematics and Computer Education (JSMCE)Bank Name: Fidelity Bank
Scan, attach and send evidence of payment slip to the journal email address.
The Editor,
BSU Journal of Science, Mathematics and Computer Education,
Department of Science and Mathematics Education,
Benue State university,
P.M.B. 102119,