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 Benue State University, Makurdi

Benue Journal of Sociology (BENJOURNALSOC), June 2022

Call for Articles

Benue Journal of sociology is a biannual; publication of the Department of sociology, Benue State University, Makurdi devoted to the dissemination of research in the social sciences as well as the society in general. It accepts for publication contributions that bring new theoretical, methodological and current trends as well as research findings that entend the frontiers of knowledge in the sociology and the social sciences in general.

Information for contributors

1. All articles are submitted on the understanding that they have neither been previously published nor are they under consideration for publication elsewhere.

2. The full text of the paper should not be more than 16pages, including references, and should be typed on A4 double spaced.

3. There should be a title page which should also contain the author' name(s).

Institutional affiliations and current address(es), including telephone number e-mail;

4. There should be an abstract of not more than 250 words starting clearly the background, methods, significant results and major conclusions;

5. All citations in the text should be given with the surname of the author(s) and year of publication (E.g. Ibrahim, 2015).

Where more than two authors, the name of the first authors followed by et al should be used

6. Quotation of more than three line should be indented and the citation should include the page number of the quotation (e.g. Ibrahim, 2014: 323),

7. Referencing should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the text and typed double-spaced using the APA Referencing Style (6th edition).

8. A soft copy of the manuscript should be submitted together with a processing fee of N5,000.00 payable to the Editor, Benue Journal of sociology.

9. Abstract and full article must be sent onlince via: All correspondence should be addressed to:

The Editor,
Benue Journal of Sociology,
Department of Sociology,
Benue State University
P.M.B. 120229, Makurdi
Tel: 08032741110

All correspondence should be address to the:
Faculty of Social Sciences,
Department of Sociology,
Benue State university,


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