Causal factors and control measures to wastage among girls in Public Secondary Schools in Northern Senatorial District of Ondo State, Nigeria
Gabriel B. Ehinola, Ph.D
Department of Educational Management, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo-State.
The study examined the causal factors and control measures to wastage among girls in secondary schools in Ondo North Senatorial District of Ondo State. The ex-post-facto and descriptive research designs were adopted for the study. The population comprised all the principals, teachers, and female students in 91 state-owned public secondary schools in Ondo North Senatorial District. Purposive, proportionate and simple random techniques were used to select the 25 secondary schools involved in the investigation. The respondents comprised 75 teachers and 458 female students. A Questionnaire on titled “Teachers and Students Perception on Wastage among Girls in Secondary Schools (TSPWAGSS) was used to seek information from teachers and students on causal factors and control measures of wastage among female students. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. Percentages and mean were employed to answer the research questions. The hypothesis was tested using t-test analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that teenage pregnancy and early marriage account for wastage among girls. The study further revealed that there was no significance difference between students and teachers in their perception of causal factors of wastage among girls in Ondo North Senatorial District. Based on this finding it was concluded that students’ perception was higher than the teachers due to the causal factors affecting them.
Key words:
Wastage rate, Females Students, Secondary Schools, Causal Factors, and Control Measures.