Public-private Partnership Initiative and the management of security in the Federal Government Unity Colleges in North-central Nigeria
Dr.T. M. Kwaghbo
Benue State University, Makurdi,
Prof. A. Okwori
Benue State University, Makurdi,
Dr.J. I. Agbe
University of Agriculture, Makurdi,
The study examined the impact of public-private partnership initiative (PPPI) on the management of security in the Federal Government Unity Colleges in North-Central Nigeria. The purpose of the study was to find out the perceived impact of PPPI on management of security in the Federal Government Unity Colleges. One research question guided the study while one hypothesis was formulated for the study. The study adopted the survey research method. The population comprised 2,866 teachers and PTA officials in the Unity Colleges. A sample of 712 was purposively selected through stratified random sampling for the study. A structured questionnaire based on 4-point rating scale, was used for data collection. The instrument which was trial tested, yielded a reliability index of 0.76 using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient Test. Descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions, while the Chi-square goodness of fit was employed to test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The mean rating of 2.50 and above was the cut-off mark for acceptance of the research question. The finding of the study indicated no impact of PPPI on management of security in the Unity Colleges. Based on the findings, it was recommended that management of school security should not be left to the school administrators alone: community members and other private organizations should be involved, particularly in the areas of information sharing, organized community watches, security threat alerts and donation of security equipment to the schools.
Key words:
Public-private partnership, management, security, unity colleges
Educational Management,
Department of Educational Foundation,
Benue State university,