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 Benue State University, Makurdi


Basic guidelines for contributors

The Benue State University Journal of Educational Management (BSUJEM) is a double blind peer review open access journal. It publishes research papers in all areas of Education policies and Management. It is a professional peer-reviewed journal that is published Quaterly by professionals in Educational Management of the Benue State University Makurdi with Headqurters at the Department of Educational Foundations, Benue State University, Makurdi. BSUJEM is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines with the ultimate goal of providing a clear and definite outlet for original articles on the theory, policies and practices relating to diverse sections of educational administration, policies and planning such as the role, theory and practice, development, funding, management of emerging trends in education, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Economics of Education, school business management, Innovations and Change, Human Resource Development, Population Education, monitoring and evaluation, infrastructural development, supervision,  challenges and prospects of   education in Africa from state, national, regional and international perspectives etc.
The above list is just indicative. The Board of Editors welcomes thought-provoking articles within the purview of Education policies and Management. The authors will be informed about the decision of manuscripts within 10 days after submission. Accepted articles will be published promptly.
The Editorial Board of this Journal welcomes the submission of original manuscripts that meet the general scope and criteria of significance and excellence to be published in each edition. 

Basic guidelines for contributors:
Contributors to BSUJEM Benue State University Makurdi should adhere to the following basic requirements:

This should written in capital letters and must reflect the content of the paper and be precise and unambiguous.

Name(s) and Address (es) of Author(s):
These should follow the title of the paper with the initials of forenames preceding the surname.

Articles must be accompanied with an abstract of not more than 250 words. The synopsis of method, results and conclusions should be included in the abstract. This allows the reader a quick grasp of the essence of the work.

After the abstract, the author(s) should outline the keywords in the article, on whose basis it can be classified.

2500 to 4000 words (14 to 16 pages), including references, figures, and tables.

Times New Roman; font 12 and 1.5 spacing.

Though articles may have other subsections as may be thought necessary by the author(s), however the following should be indicated:

  1. Introduction: it should include the main objective/purpose of the study and discussion of relevant literature to show the relationship between published work and the subject of the study.
  2. Methodology: this should highlight the work carried out, items used and the procedures and techniques employed. It should include sufficient details and clarity to enable other scholars to replicate the work elsewhere.
  3. Results/Findings:  Here the author should display and describe the data obtained and present the data in a form easy to understand. The author must clearly spell out and demonstrate the method of result analysis.
  4. Discussion: This should not restate results but should focus on their implications and significance and lead to relevant conclusion(s). The author should also compare his results with what others have found and offer suggestions on the way forward.
  5. Conclusions; and Recommendations. Tables, diagrams, figures, and pictures should be in their appropriate places in the body of the article.
  6. Referencing: All citations must be referenced and the contributors should adhere to the sixth edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Contributors of accepted manuscripts will receive detailed guideline for preparing accepted papers for the publication.

Educational Management,
Department of Educational Foundation,
Benue State university,


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